Step 1 Screening
Mobility |
1 of 4 |
99.6% (229/230) |
99.6% (229/230) |
100.0% (217/217) |
All patients, as all were required complete step 1 mobility |
Completed |
229 (99.6%) |
229 (99.6%) |
217 (100%) |
Not completed |
1 (0.4%) |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Total |
230 (100.0%) |
230 (100.0%) |
217 (100.0%) |
Skin status |
1 of 4 (if required) |
98.7% (78/79) |
96.6% (84/87) |
100.0% (63/63) |
All patients for whom only the blue box was ticked for step 1 mobility |
Appropriate completion (no mobility limitation) |
78 (33.9%) |
84 (36.5%) |
63 (29.0%) |
Inappropriate non‐completion (no mobility limitation) |
1 (0.4%) |
3 (1.3%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Appropriate non‐completion (mobility limitation) |
114 (49.6%) |
83 (36.5%) |
117 (53.9%) |
Inappropriate completion (mobility limitation) |
36 (15.7%) |
59 (25.7%) |
37 (17.1%) |
Completed but no mobility assessment |
0 (0.0%) |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Not completed and no mobility assessment |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Total |
230 (100.0%) |
230 (100.0%) |
217 (100.0%) |
Decision pathway allocated
1 |
95.3% (41/43) |
85.7% (36/42) |
100.0% (38/38) |
All patients for whom only the blue box was ticked for both step 1 mobility and step 1 skin status |
Progression to step 2 |
195 |
197 |
182 |
Appropriate progression to step 2 |
185 (80.4%) |
185 (80.4%) |
179 (82.5%) |
Inappropriate progression to step 2 |
9 (3.9%) |
12 (5.2%) |
3 (1.4%) |
Inappropriate non‐progression to step 2 |
0 (0.0%) |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Appropriate non‐progression to step 2 |
35 (15.2%) |
32 (13.9%) |
35 (16.1%) |
Step 2 completed but step 1 not completed |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Total |
230 (100.0%) |
230 (100.0%) |
217 (100.0%) |
Step 2 Full Assessment
Step 1 Mobility |
1 of 4 |
99.5% (194/195) |
99.5% (196/197) |
100.0% (182/182) |
All patients who progressed to step 2, as all were required to complete step 1 mobility |
Step 1 skin status |
1 of 4 (if required) |
97.7% (43/44) |
96.3% (52/54) |
100.0% (28/28) |
All patients for whom only the blue box was ticked in step 1 mobility who progressed to step 2 |
Analysis of independent movement |
1 of 5 |
99.0% (193/195) |
99.0% (195/197) |
98.9% (180/182) |
All patients who progressed to step 2 |
Sensory perception and response |
1 of 2 |
96.9% (189/195) |
94.9% (187/197) |
98.4% (179/182) |
Current detailed skin assessment |
13 |
95.5% (2421/2535) |
95.3% (2440/2561) |
97.5% (2307/2366) |
13 (number of main skin sites) x number of patients who progressed to step 2 |
Previous PU history |
1 of 2 |
99.0% (193/195) |
95.9% (189/197) |
98.4% (179/182) |
All patients who progressed to step 2 |
Previous PU details |
At least 1 |
66.7% (40/60) |
54.7% (29/53) |
57.4% (35/61) |
All patients reported to have a PU history |
Perfusion |
At least 1 |
97.9% (191/195) |
97.5% (192/197) |
97.3% (177/182) |
All patients who progressed to step 2 |
Nutrition |
At least 1 |
99.0% (193/195) |
99.5% (196/197) |
97.8% (178/182) |
Moisture |
1 of 3 |
99.5% (194/195) |
97.0% (191/197) |
96.7% (176/182) |
Diabetes |
1 of 2 |
99.0% (193/195) |
95.9% (189/197) |
96.7% (176/182) |
Decision pathway allocated |
1 of 3 |
100.0% (194/195) |
99.0% (195/197) |
100.0% (182/182) |
Assessment Decision
Pathway allocated at step 1 or step 3 |
Appropriate pathway |
226 (98.3%) |
219 (95.2%) |
215 (99.1%) |
Inappropriate pathway |
4 (1.7%) |
10 (4.3%) |
2 (0.9%) |
No pathway selected |
0 (0.0%) |
1 (0.4%) |
0 (0.0%) |
Total |
230 (100.0%) |
230 (100.0%) |
217 (100.0%) |