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. 2017 Oct 31;26(4):1133–1142. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3934-y

Table 2.

Assessment and treatment of oral foci within or outside the radiation field

Assessed tooth problems Treatment if cumulative dose > 40 Gya Treatment if cumulative dose < 40 Gy or outside the radiation portala
Caries profunda Tooth extraction Restoration, if necessary combined with endodontic treatment, or tooth extraction
Periapical pathosis (on radiographs) without symptoms and/or additional problems In teeth without root canal filling: endodontic treatment and/or apexification
In teeth with root canal filling: endodontic re-treatment, apexification, or tooth extraction (needed in case of pre-radiotherapy time limitations)
In teeth without root canal filling: endodontic treatment
In teeth with root canal filling: endodontic re-treatment, apexification, or tooth extraction
Treatment can be postponed until after radiotherapy
Extensive periapical pathosis (on radiographs) combined with periodontal disease, in afunctional teeth or with symptoms Tooth extraction In teeth without root canal filling: endodontic treatment combined with initial periodontal treatment
In teeth with root canal filling: endodontic re-treatment, apexification, or tooth extraction depending on the prognosis
Avital pulp with symptoms without periapical radiolucency on radiographs Endodontic treatment or tooth extraction (which might be necessary in case of pre-radiotherapy time limitations) Endodontic treatment or tooth extraction depending on the prognosis
Avital pulp without symptoms and without periapical radiolucency on radiographs Endodontic treatment or tooth extraction (needed in case of pre-radiotherapy time limitations) Endodontic treatment (which can be postponed until after radiotherapy)
Periodontal disease with: Pockets 4–5 mm
Pockets ≥ 6 mm
Gingival recessions ≥ 6 mm
Initial periodontal therapy
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction
Initial periodontal therapy
Initial periodontal therapy
Only recession requires no treatment
Impacted teeth or roots fully covered by bone without radiographic abnormalities No treatment
If problems are expected in the future: tooth extraction
No treatment
Impacted teeth or roots not fully covered by bone or with radiographic abnormalities (e.g., cysts, apical radiolucency) Tooth extraction No treatment or, in case of symptoms, surgical removal
Roots with periapical radiolucency might be worth preserving by endodontic treatment and restoration (which can be postponed until after radiotherapy)
Cysts Surgical removal Surgical removal
Internal or external root resorption Tooth extraction Endodontic treatment or tooth extraction depending on the prognosis

aIf an irradiated patient needed treatment, radiation fields were always verified with the department of Radiation Oncology, and depending on the dose in the specific region where treatment was needed, antibiotic prophylaxis was given to the patient