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. 2018 Mar;141(3):e20171683. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-1683


Predicted Probabilities of TGNC Students’ Health Status and Health Care Utilization, Stratified by Perceived Gender Expression and Birth-Assigned Sex (n = 2095)

TGNC Assigned Male at Birth (n = 661) TGNC Assigned Female at Birth (n = 1434)
Responses (n) Predicted Probability (%) Responses (n) Predicted Probability (%)
Health status
 General health is poor, fair, or good P = .003a P = .001b
  Very feminine 82 49.2 163 54.0
  Somewhat feminine 90 50.8 314 69.5
  Equally feminine and masculine 177 49.2 564 70.4
  Somewhat masculine 123 57.5 231 71.7
  Very masculine 113 32.1 85 68.6
 Long-term physical disability or health problems P = .048 P = .418
  Very feminine 82 19.5 163 22.7
  Somewhat feminine 90 35.8 314 24.9
  Equally feminine and masculine 177 27.1 564 25.0
  Somewhat masculine 123 29.0 231 25.5
  Very masculine 113 18.8 85 33.9
 Long-term mental health problems P < .001c P < .001d
  Very feminine 82 40.7 163 55.4
  Somewhat feminine 90 44.6 314 68.1
  Equally feminine and masculine 177 45.7 564 69.8
  Somewhat masculine 123 42.8 231 76.7
  Very masculine 113 15.8 85 73.2
 Stayed home sick (last 30 days) P = .210 P = .265
  Very feminine 82 50.9 163 48.3
  Somewhat feminine 90 57.5 314 55.1
  Equally feminine and masculine 177 48.6 564 55.4
  Somewhat masculine 123 48.2 231 48.6
  Very masculine 113 40.7 85 55.0
Care utilization
 Nurse office visits (last 30 days) P = .947 P = .688
  Very feminine 81 34.0 163 47.4
  Somewhat feminine 90 34.2 321 42.1
  Equally feminine and masculine 178 34.5 571 42.5
  Somewhat masculine 123 31.6 235 46.2
  Very masculine 113 30.4 86 45.4
 Preventive medical checkup P = .558 P = .175
  Very feminine 81 51.5 163 69.4
  Somewhat feminine 90 54.0 321 61.8
  Equally feminine and masculine 178 57.6 571 61.3
  Somewhat masculine 123 62.4 235 57.2
  Very masculine 113 59.6 86 64.3
 Preventive dental checkup P = .059 P = .225
  Very feminine 81 63.8 163 74.7
  Somewhat feminine 90 63.9 321 75.2
  Equally feminine and masculine 178 64.9 571 71.9
  Somewhat masculine 123 74.3 235 67.2
  Very masculine 113 77.0 86 76.1

In these analyses, we controlled for free and/or reduced-price lunch, race and/or ethnicity, grade, and school location. α level set at .05. Post hoc tests used Bonferroni's correction to adjust α for all pairwise comparisons. Numbers do not sum to the sample size because of missing data on at least 1 variable.


Post hoc analysis indicated significant differences between equally feminine and masculine and very masculine perceived gender expressions as well as somewhat masculine and very masculine perceived gender expressions.


Post hoc analysis indicated significant differences between somewhat feminine and very feminine perceived gender expressions, equally feminine and masculine and very feminine perceived gender expressions, as well as somewhat masculine and very feminine perceived gender expressions.


Post hoc analysis indicated significant differences between very masculine and all other perceived gender expression groups.


Post hoc analysis indicated significant differences between very feminine and all other perceived gender expression groups.