Figure S5.
Analysis of the Interneuron Distribution in Distinct Regions of the Forebrain of CCP1 cKO and WT Embryos, Related to Figures 4 and 5 and Table S1
(A and B) Immunolabeling (A) and quantification (B) of the number of cINs (Calbindin, green and white) crossing the presumptive striatum region (Ctip2+, red) (delimited by a yellow dashed line) in brain sections from E13.5 CCP1 WT and CCP1 cKO embryos, n = 5-6 embryos from at least 3 independent female donors, non-parametric t test.
(C–F) qRT-PCR analysis to compare level of expression of selected genes (as reported in the figure) expressed by FACS-purified cINs from E15.5 CCP1 WT or CCP1 cKO embryos, n = 3-4 samples, non-parametric t test. (G) In situ hybridization to detect GAD67 on brain sections from P0 CCP1 WT and CCP1 cKO animals. (F) Statistical analysis of cell distributions showing the fraction of cells and observed difference.
All graphs contain bars representing SEM.