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. 2017 Mar 22;125(3):365–384. doi: 10.1007/s00702-017-1708-9

Table 2.

Peer-reviewed publications in NHP models of PD evaluating SCs as sources for dopaminergic cell replacement

References Host species Cell species; graft type Cell type Cell labeling Transplant location Model n Immunosup. l-DOPA Behavioral test PET imaging Duration
Takagi et al. (2005) Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) Cynomolgus; allograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors BrdU Bilateral putamen; 3 tracts per side, each with 4 deposits MPTP i.v. (0.4 mg/kg; twice weekly for 7 weeks) 6 CsA 10 mg/kg None Clinical rating [18F]DOPA 14 weeks
Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) N/A Sham-operated N/A N/A MPTP i.v. (0.4 mg/kg; twice weekly for 7 weeks) 4 CsA 10 mg/kg None Clinical rating [18F]DOPA 14 weeks
Kikuchi et al. (2011) Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) Human; xenograft iPSC-derived DAergic progenitors None Bilateral putamen (d28 to right, d42 to left); 6 tracts per side, each with 4 deposits MPTP i.v. (0.4 mg/kg; twice weekly until symptoms persisted) 1 FK506 0.05 mg/kg None Clinical rating, spontaneous movements, Gross Movements, Raisin pick-up test [18F]DOPA, [11C]DTBZ, [11C]PE2I, [18F]FLT 6 months
Daadi et al. (2012) Green monkey (C. sabaeus) Human; xenograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP Caudate and SN MPTP i.m. (2.25 mg/kg cumulative dose; administered over 5-day period) 4 CsA 5 mg/kg/day Prednisone 2 mg/kg tapering to 0.6 mg/kg/day Azathioprine 5 mg/kg/day reduced to 1 mg/kg/day None None None 2 months
Kriks et al. (2011) Rhesus (M. mulatta) Human; xenograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP Bilateral posterior caudate, pre-commissural putamen and overlying white matter (GFP to one side, unmarked to other); 3 tracts per side MPTP ICA (3 mg) followed by weekly i.v. administration (dose n.r.) 2 CsA 30 mg/kg tapered to 15 mg/kg None None None 1 month
Emborg et al. (2013b) Rhesus (M. mulatta) Human; xenograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP Unilateral (ipsi-MPTP) rostral, medial and caudal caudate and putamen, and SN; 7 tracts total MPTP ICA (3 mg) 3 CsA 40–50 mg/kg None None None 3 months
Emborg et al. (2013a) Rhesus (M. mulatta) Rhesus; autograft iPSC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP Unilateral (ipsi-MPTP) precommisural and commissural caudate, pre-commisural, commissural and postcommisural putamen, and SN; 6 tracts total MPTP ICA (3 mg) 3 None None None None 6 months
Wakeman et al. (2014b) Green monkey (C. sabaeus) Human; xenograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP Caudate and SN MPTP i.m. (2 mg/kg cumulative dose; administered over 5-day period) 2 Azathioprine, CsA and prednisolone None None None 6 weeks
Hallett et al. (2015) Cynomolgus (M. fascicul ris) Cynomolgus; autograft iPSC-derived DAergic progenitors (Cooper et al. 2010 protocol) None Unilateral postcommissural putamen; 4 tracts total MPTP i.v. (0.15–0.3 mg/kg) every 1–2 weeks 1 None None Clinical rating, activity monitoring, FMS [11C]CFT 2 years
Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) Cynomolgus; autograft iPSC-derived DAergic progenitors (Sundberg et al. 2013 protocol) None Unilateral postcommissural putamen; 4 tracts total MPTP i.v. (0.15–0.3 mg/kg) every 1–2 weeks 2 None None Clinical rating, activity monitoring, FMS [11C]CFT 2 years
Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) Cynomolgus; allograft ESC-derived DAergic progenitors (Sanchez-Pernaute et al. 2005 protocol) None Unilateral putamen MPTP i.v. (0.15–0.3 mg/kg) every 1–2 weeks 3 None None Clinical rating, activity monitoring, FMS [11C]CFT 1 year
Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) N/A N/A N/A N/A MPTP i.v. (0.15–0.3 mg/kg) every 1–2 weeks 4 None None Clinical rating, activity monitoring, FMS [11C]CFT 2 years
Wang et al. (2015) Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) Cynomolgus; autograft iPSC-derived DAergic progenitors GFP and Feridex IV Unilateral (ipsi-MPTP) rostral, intermediate and caudal caudate and putamen, and SN; 7 tracts total MPTP ICA (3 mg) 1 None None Clinical rating None 6 months
Cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) N/A Vehicle N/A Unilateral (ipsi-MPTP) rostral, intermediate and caudal caudate and putamen, and SN; 7 tracts total MPTP ICA (3 mg) 3 None None Clinical rating None 6 months

Immunosup immunosuppression, PET positron emission tomography, ESC embryonic stem cell, iPSC induced pluripotent stem cell, DAergic dopaminergic, BrdU 5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuriding, MPTP 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, L-DOPA L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, ipsi ipsilateral, i.v. intravenous, ICA intracarotid artery, mg milligram, kg kilogram, CsA Cyclosporine A, GFP green fluorescent protein, n.r. not reported, N/A not applicable, FMS fine motor skills, SN substantia nigra, [18 F]DOPA 6-[18 F]fluoro-l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanineresentatio, [11 C]DTBZ [11 C]dihydrotetrabenazine, [11 C]PE2I (E)-N-(3-iodoprop-2-enyl)-2β-carbo[11 C]methoxy-3β-(4-methylphenyl)nortropane, [18 F]FLT 3′-deoxy-3′3[18 F]fluorothymidine