Figure 3.
Expression profiles and concentrations of yonT mRNA, yoyJ mRNA and SR6 in complex TY and minimal CSE medium. (A) Northern blots. B. subtilis strain DB104 was grown at 37 °C in TY or CSE medium, and RNA isolation, Northern blotting and reprobing performed as in Figure 1. For the correction of loading errors, filters were reprobed with [γ-32P] ATP-labeled oligonucleotide C767 specific for 5S rRNA. Autoradiograms of the corresponding gels are shown. The SR6/yonT RNA ratios shown below the Northern blots are derived from the calculations represented by graphs in (B). Graphic representation of the amounts of yonT RNA, yoyJ RNA and SR6 based on the quantification of the gels shown in (A) and Figure S2. The corresponding growth curves are shown using the Y axis at the right side of each graph.