Table 5. Hydrophobic (HB) and hydrophilic (HL) peptides in the water-soluble fraction of soft Xinotyri cheese made from raw (RMC) or pasteurized (PMC) milk during storage.
t/day | Type of milk | w(HL)/% | w(HB)/% | HB/HL |
1 | RMC PMC |
(53.2±1.8)aA (52.9±0.5)aA |
(46.8±1.81)aA (47.1±0.52)aA |
(0.89±0.07)aA (0.89±0.02)aA |
15 | RMC PMC |
(58.1±3.6)aAB (64.1±0.6)aB |
(41.4±3.1) aAB (36.0±0.6)aB |
(0.71±0.09)aAB (0.57±0.02)aB |
30 | RMC PMC |
(69.6±5.2)aBC (63.5±0.2aB |
(30.3±5.2)aBC (36.5±0.2)aB |
(0.4±0.1)aBC (0.58±0.01)aB |
60 | RMC PMC |
(71.4±0.9)aC (67.1±3.6)aB |
(28.6±0.9aC (32.8±3.6)aB |
(0.40±0.02)aC (0.49±0.08)aB |
Results present mean values of six measurements (three cheese-makings and duplicate analyses)±standard error expressed as a percentage of the total area of the chromatograms. Mean values of each parameter in the same column of the same day different lower case letters (a-c) are significantly different (p<0.05). Mean values of each parameter in the same column of the same type of milk with different capital letters (A-C) are significantly different (p<0.05)