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. 2017 Jan 30;141(1):613–623. doi: 10.1121/1.4974203


Post hoc group comparisons. Note: SRD = spectral ripple depth in dB. NHa = normal hearing adults. NHc = normal hearing children. CIa = CI adults. Mean Δ = mean group difference. Sig. = p value of Games-Howell test. NS = non-significant p > 0.90. ** = p < 0.0001. Redundant comparisons omitted.

NH Children CI Adults CI Children
SRD Mean Δ Sig. Mean Δ Sig. Mean Δ Sig.
NHa 5 −0.08 NS 2.30 ** 2.35 **
10 0.11 NS 5.13 ** 5.04 **
13 0.00 NS 5.37 ** 5.29 **
20 0.60 NS 6.37 ** 6.22 **
30 0.60 NS 6.22 ** 6.03 **
NHc 5 2.38 0.05 2.43 0.04
10 5.02 ** 4.93 0.01
13 5.37 0.01 5.27 0.01
20 5.77 ** 5.62 **
30 5.62 0.01 5.43 0.01
CIa 5 0.05 NS
10 −0.08 NS
13 −0.08 NS
20 −0.15 NS
30 −0.18 NS