Fig. 6. MiR-494 increases drug resistance in HCC cells.
a Cell viability assay, caspase-3/7 activity assay and WB analysis in miR-494 overexpressing Huh-7 or b miR-494 silenced SNU182 cells following doxorubicin treatment. c FACS Annexin-V plots of miR-494 overexpressing and control Huh-7 cells following doxorubicin treatment (10 µg/ml for 6 h). d Cell viability assay, caspase-3/7 activity assay and WB analysis in miR-494 overexpressing Huh-7 or e miR-494 silenced SNU182 cells following sorafenib administration. f FACS Annexin-V plots of miR-494 overexpressing and control Huh-7 cells following sorafenib treatment (7.5 µM for 24 h). g WB analysis of apoptotic markers in miR-494 overexpressing Huh-7 cells following sorafenib or h sorafenib plus rapamycin treatment. NC: pre-miR negative control; NCi: anti-miR negative control; AM-494: anti-miR-494. β-actin was used to normalize WB data