Table 5.
Anti-Toxoplasma activities of various MWs of CS NPs in mice peritoneal exudates infected with 1 × 104 tachyzoites of T. gondii RH strain
Group | Tachyzoite no (×103) ± SD | % of growth inhibitiona |
LMW of CS NPs | 7,200 ± 105b | 86 |
MMW of CS NPs | 8,640 ± 91b | 84 |
HMW of CS NPs | 10,840 ± 126b | 79 |
Positive controlc | 9.8 ± 1.7 | 99.8 |
Negative controld | 51,000 ± 250 | – |
Percentage of growth inhibition = (1 – No of tachyzoites after treatment/No of tachyzoites in negative control) × 100;
indication of statistically significant differences compared to negative control (P < 0.001);
normal saline containing 1% (w/v) acetic acid.
Abbreviations: MWs, molecular weights; CS NPs, chitosan nanoparticles; LMW, low molecular weight; MMW, medium molecular weight; HMW, high molecular weight; SD, standard deviation; T. gondii, Toxoplasma gondii.