Figure 5. Mutational Context in Hypermutant Tumors Determined by Timing and Etiology of Mutation.
(A) Left: Average proportion of mutations by trinucleotide context in exomes with known germline status/treatment history. Right: Same, but from panel sequencing. Germline status and treatment history unknown. N indicates the number of tumor samples.
(B) Example mutational signatures in exomes from tumors with known germline status/treatment history.
(C–F) Examples of subclonal mutational signatures determined from allelic read depth on panel sequencing data. (C) Subclonal mutational signatures in an adult colorectal carcinoma with somatic POLE mutation. (D) Subclonal mutational signatures in a pediatric glioblastoma. (E) Mutational signatures present in subclonal clusters of mutations in a lung adenocarcinoma. (F) Mutational signatures present in 3 subclonal clusters of mutations in skin melanoma.
See also Table S5.