Histogram comparing ocular motor performance for the 3 subject groups. The first row is for the easy stimulus, the second row is for the medium stimulus, and the third row is for the hard stimulus. The ANOVAs in the first three rows is a one-way ANOVA examining the effect of subject group. The mean and standard deviation of each distribution are listed in the panel. The fourth row shows a summary for each subject group for three task difficulties. The two-way ANOVAS in the fourth row test for the effects of subject group and task difficulty, and an interaction of the two variables. There are two degrees of freedom for both subject group and task difficulty. Effect size is calculated using Cohen's d metric. The first column analyzes smooth pursuit root mean squared metric (RMS), the middle column analyzes pursuit gain, and the third column analyzes pursuit lag. In each panel, cyan represents values from the football subjects, orange represents cross country subjects, and green represents SES matched nonathletes. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)