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. 2017 Sep 26;66(5):765–777. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix832

Table 1.

Input Parameters for the Dynamic Compartmental Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission Model

Description Value Source
Number of individuals in susceptible compartment i at time t (initial [1996]a value) 2.64M [14, 20, 21, 22]
Number of individuals in HIV-infected (undiagnosed) compartment i at time t (initial value) 3694 [14, 22, 23]
Number of individuals in HIV-diagnosed compartment i at time t (initial value) 3844 [14, 22, 23]
Number of individuals in HIV treatment compartment i at time t (initial value) 0 [14, 22, 23]
Number of individuals in HIV off-treatment compartment i at time t (initial value) 0 [14, 22, 23]
Monthly entry rate of individuals into compartment i Time-varying [20]
Average duration uninfected individuals in compartment i remain “identified” after screening 12 months Assumption
Monthly HIV screening rate for individuals in compartment i Figure 1 [1]
 High risk (PWID, MSM/PWID) (multiplier) 2.6 [24]
Total sufficient contact rate Time-varying [3–6, 16, 21, 25, 26, 27–56]
 Mortality and maturation rate for individuals in compartment i
 Monthly mortality rate: heterosexual (susceptible) 0.00027 [57]
 Monthly mortality rate: MSM (susceptible) 0.00034 [57]
 Monthly mortality rate: PWID (susceptible) 0.00238 [27]
 Monthly mortality rate: MSM/PWID (susceptible) 0.00246 [27]
 Monthly mortality rate: heterosexual (infected/diagnosed)
  CD4: ≥500 0.00079 [58]
  CD4: 350–499 0.00079 [58]
  CD4: 200–349 0.00136 [59]
  CD4: <200 0.00853 [18]
 Monthly mortality rate: MSM (infected/diagnosed)
  CD4: ≥500 0.00045 [28]
  CD4: 350–499 0.00045 [58]
  CD4: 200–349 0.00175 [59]
  CD4: <200 0.00853 [18]
 Monthly mortality rate: PWID, including MSM/PWID (infected/diagnosed)
  CD4: ≥500 0.00250 [58]
  CD4: 350–499 0.00250 [58]
  CD4: 200–349 0.00357 [59]
  CD4: <200 0.00856 [18]
 Monthly mortality rate: on ART (×1000–1) Time-varying [14, 22, 23]
  CD4: ≥500 0.474 (1996); 0.399 (2010)
  CD4: 350–499 0.608 (1996); 0.541 (2010)
  CD4: 200–349 1.167 (1996); 1.043 (2010)
  CD4: <200 8.259 (1996); 7.883 (2010)
  CD4: ≥500 0.973 (1996); 0.833 (2010)
  CD4: 350–499 1.181 (1996); 1.078 (2010)
  CD4: 200–349 2.557 (1996); 2.354 (2010)
  CD4: <200 8.288 (1996); 8.021 (2010)
 Monthly maturation rate 0.00125 [20]
Symptom-based monthly case finding rate for infected individuals in compartment i
 Low risk (CD4: 200–349) 0.00874 [60]
 High risk (CD4: <200) 0.01842 [60]
HIV disease progression rate for individuals not on ART [19, 60–62]
 CD4: ≥500 to CD4: 350–499 0.02209
 CD4: 350–499 to CD4: 200–349 0.02209
 CD4: 200–349 to CD4 <200 0.02209
 CD4: <200 to death 0.00250
HIV disease progression rate for individuals on ART in compartment i Supplementary Materials, Figure A6 [14, 22, 23]
Rate of ART discontinuation Figure 2, panels E and F [14, 22, 23]
Probability of direct ART initiations immediately after diagnosis Supplementary Materials, Figure A4 [14, 22, 23]
Rate of individuals from diagnosed compartment i initiating antiretroviral treatment Figure 2, panels A and B [14, 22, 23]
Rate of ART reinitiation among those who had discontinued treatment Figure 2, Panels C and D [14, 22, 23]
Indicator variable for eligibility for HIV treatment initiation Time-varying [63, 64, 65–71]
 1996–1997 CD4 <500
 1998–2001 CD4 <350
 2002–2003 CD4 <200
 2004–2007 CD4 <350
 2008–2010 CD4 <500
 Post-2011 All CD4
HIV transmission parameter
Needle-sharing parameters
Number of injections (monthly) at baseline 19.5 [21, 26]
Reduced injections due to opioid agonist treatment 0.75 [27, 72]
Probability of shared injection at baseline 0.21 [21, 28]
Probability of transmission per shared injection: CD4 >500 0.002 [27, 29, 30]
Probability of transmission per shared injection: CD4: 350–499 0.002
Probability of transmission per shared injection: CD4: 200–349 0.003
Probability of transmission per shared injection: CD4 <200 0.003
Reduced probability of transmission on ART 0.9 [4]
Homosexual sex parameters
No sexual partners (annual) 2.7 [16, 21, 31]
Condom use probability 0.5 [25, 32–36]
Probability of transmission: CD4: >500 0.04 [16, 37–40]
Probability of transmission: CD4: 350–499 0.04
Probability of transmission: CD4: 200–349 0.05
Probability of transmission: CD4: <200 0.1
Reduced probability of transmission on ART 0.96 [6]
Decreased number of sexual partners due to diagnosis 0.5 [41–44
Condom effectiveness 0.9 [45]
Heterosexual sex parameters
No sexual partners: MSM 0.08 [32]
No sexual partners: MSM/PWID 0.08 [46, 47]
No sexual partners: PWID 1.6 [47, 48]
No sexual partners: heterosexual 0.9 [32, 49–51]
Condom use probability: MSM 0.3 [34, 36, 46]
Condom use probability: MSM/PWID 0.3
Condom use probability: PWID 0.3 [35, 46]
Condom use probability: heterosexual 0.3 [51]
Probability of transmission: CD4: >500 0.025 [3, 37, 52–56]
Probability of transmission: CD4: 350–499 0.025
Probability of transmission: CD4: 200–349 0.035
Probability of transmission: CD4: <200 0.065
Decreased number of sexual partners due to diagnosis 0.5 [44]
Reduced probability of transmission on ART 0.96 [5]
Condom effectiveness 0.9 [45]
Costs (2015$CDN)
ART costsc: PWID Time dependentb [73]
 CD4: >500 435 (1996); 1276 (2010)
 CD4: 350–499 464 (1996); 1287 (2010)
 CD4: 200–349 483 (1996); 1287 (2010)
 CD4: <200 478 (1996); 1294 (2010)
ART costsc: non-PWID Time dependentb [73]
 CD4: >500 494 (1996); 1295 (2010)
 CD4: 350–499 523 (1996); 1306 (2010)
 CD4: 200–349 542 (1996); 1305 (2010)
 CD4: <200 537 (1996); 1313 (2010)
Non-ART medical costsd: PWID Time dependentb [74]
 CD4: >500 788 (1996); 745 (2010)
 CD4: 350–499 825 (1996); 784 (2010)
 CD4: 200–349 883 (1996); 1022 (2010)
 CD4: <200 1896 (1996); 1992 (2010)
Non-ART medical costsd: non-PWID Time dependentb [74]
 CD4: >500 317 (1996); 309 (2010)
 CD4: 350–499 362 (1996); 330 (2010)
 CD4: 200–349 471 (1996); 471 (2010)
 CD4: <200 1098 (1996); 763 (2010)
HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibody test 13 [75]
Confirmatory Western blot test 21 [75]
Medical care costsd: HIV-negative, MSM 205 [76]
Medical care costsd: HIV-negative, PWID 518 [73, 76]
Medical care costsd: HIV-negative, heterosexual 217 [76]
Intervention costse Appendix
 Hospital-based care testing 32081 (IMP); 12750 (SUS)
 Emergency department testing 42798 (IMP); 9892 (SUS)
 Outpatient clinic testing 49215 (IMP); 14785 (SUS)
 ART initiation 66922 (IMP); 32271 (SUS)
 ART retention 230734 (IMP); 111263 (SUS)
Annual discount rate 0.03
Quality-adjusted life years
Susceptible 1.00 [77]
Infected: CD4: ≥500 0.91 [78–81]
Infected: CD4: 350–499 0.79 [78–81]
Infected: CD4: 200–349 0.79 [78–81]
Infected: CD4: <200 0.72 [78–81]
Diagnosed: CD4: ≥500 0.87 [78–81]
Diagnosed: CD4: 350–499 0.72 [78–81]
Diagnosed: CD4: 200–349 0.72 [78–81]
Diagnosed: CD4: <200 0.72 [78–81]
On ART: CD4>500 0.87 [78–81]
On ART: CD4: 350–499 0.83 [78–81]
On ART: CD4: 200–349 0.83 [78–81]
On ART: CD4: <200 0.82 [78–81]
PWID multiplier 0.90 [27, 82]

Abbreviations: ART, highly active antiretroviral treatment; CDN, Canadian dollars; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IMP, implementation phase; MSM, men who have sex with men; PWID, people who inject drugs; SUS, sustainment phase.


“Initial” values refer to 1996 values, the start of the model calibration period (1996–2010).


Figures presented for time-dependent parameters are 1996 and 2010 values.


Includes ART medication costs and associated pharmacy dispensation costs.


Includes non-ART medication costs and associated pharmacy dispensation costs, costs of physician billings for outpatient care, and hospitalization cost.


Intervention costs were differentiated between the implementation phase and the sustainment phase, with the latter excluding fixed costs of initiating the interventions.