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. 2017 Sep 26;66(5):765–777. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix832

Table 3.

Benefits, Costs, and Incremental Cost-Effectiveness of British Columbia Ministry of Health Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS Interventions

Time Horizons Following the Intervention Period ART Costs Non-ART Costs Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Costs Interventiona Costs Total Costs QALYs Incremental Cost- Effectiveness Ratiob
5-year time horizon $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (B) (Millions)
Status quo $871.47 $601.30 $16.75 -- $67.15 24.96 --
Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ QALYs
Hospital-based testing 1.88 –0.32 0.77 1.89 4.31 7.04 $612051
Outpatient clinic testing 2.08 –0.32 1.40 2.63 5.87 7.26 $808749
ED testing 2.89 –0.47 1.42 2.11 6.09 10.40 $585985
ART initiation 6.82 –1.69 0.00 4.28 9.67 94.91 $101877
ART retentionc 5.90 –0.47 0.00 14.75 20.34 43.16 $471385
Combined interventions, sustained 19.55 –3.27 3.58 25.67 46.26 164.12 $281892
Combined interventions, 2011–2013 onlyd 10.67 –2.19 0.83 15.18 25.02 122.30 $204578
10-year time horizon $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (B) (Millions)
Status quo $1429.18 $896.87 $26.08 -- $104.45 38.81 --
Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ QALYs
Hospital-based testing 4.31 –1.16 1.29 2.53 7.36 45.06 $163396
Outpatient clinic testing 4.92 –1.20 2.34 3.37 9.83 48.82 $201410
ED testing 6.74 –1.75 2.38 2.61 10.58 69.01 $153352
ART initiation 9.52 –2.60 0.00 5.90 13.50 204.29 $66102
ART retentionc 9.52 –0.92 0.00 20.35 29.38 92.42 $317911
Combined interventions, sustained 34.50 –7.47 5.99 34.77 70.23 457.78 $153414
Combined interventions, 2011–2013 onlyd 12.67 –3.48 0.83 15.18 26.45 253.30 $104427
25-year time horizon $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (M) $CDN (B) (Millions)
Status quo $2778.53 $1510.33 $48.22 -- $193.01 71.69 --
Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ cost (M) Δ QALYs
Hospital-based testing 6.26 –4.83 2.53 3.98 10.22 295.88 $34544
Outpatient clinic testing 7.75 –5.28 4.59 5.04 14.54 333.29 $43623
ED testing 9.79 –7.76 4.67 3.73 14.03 464.44 $30216
ART initiation 11.79 –4.10 0.00 9.55 19.60 586.52 $33423
ART retentionc 16.56 –2.82 0.00 32.93 48.51 304.02 $159551
Combined interventions, sustained 49.74 –23.28 11.74 55.23 105.34 1906.30 $55258
Combined interventions, 2011–2013 onlyd 9.76 –6.20 0.83 15.18 23.17 637.42 $36356

Abbreviations: ART, combination antiretroviral therapy; B, billions; CDN, Canadian dollars; ED, emergency department; M, millions; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year.

Δ incremental costs/QALYs.


Costs of public health intervention.


Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of the intervention vs the counterfactual status quo: ICER = (Costintervention – Costsstatus quo)/(QALYintervetnion – QALYstatus quo).


ART retention includes the initiatives targeting preventing ART dropouts and enhancing reengagement among treatment-discontinued people living with human immunodeficiency virus.


Reverting back to the counterfactual status quo-levels of human immunodeficiency virus testing and treatment engagement for the remainder of the study time horizon.