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. 2017 Sep 27;66(1):140–148. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix687

Table 1.

Reported Cases of IFI During Ibrutinib Therapy (n = 41)a

Pathogen or Type of IFI Time After Treatment Site of infection Type and Status of Underlying Cancer Age, y/Sex Concomitant Use of Corticosteroids/ Prior Treatment Outcome Reference
Cryptococcosis NA NA MCL/PD NA NA/NA NA Wang et al [7]
Cryptococcus neoformans 1 mo Lungs, blood CLL/PR 68/M No/chlorambucil and prednisone Alive Okamoto et al [22]
C. neoformans 1 mo CNS, lungs Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/PD 88/M No/rituximab, benadmustine Alive Messina et al [19]
C. neoformans 3 wk CNS, lungs, blood CLL/PD 54/M No/fludarabine, ritiximab, cyclophosphamide Dead Messina et al [19]
C. neoformans 2 mo CNS, skin WM/PD 74/F No/fludarabine, ritiximab, cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone, and idelasilib Dead Baron et al [18]
PJP NA NA MCL/PD NA NA/yes (NA) NA Wang et al [7]
PJP 1.9 mo Lungs CLL/SD 69/M No/no (frontline) Alive Ahn et al [15]
PJP 23.6 mo Lungs CLL/SD 68/M Yesb/no (frontline) Alive Ahn et al [15]
PJP 1.9 mo Lungs CLL/SD 72/M No/no (frontline) Alive Ahn et al [15]
PJP 6 mo Lungs CLL/PD 78/M No/yes (NA) Alive Ahn et al [15]
PJPb 11.6 mo Lungs CLL/SD 70/M No/no (frontline) Alive Ahn et al [15]
Histoplasmosis NA NA MCL/PD NA NA/NA NA Wang et al [7]
IAc 1 month CNS CLL/PD NA Yes/NA Dead Ruchlemer et al [13]
IA 2 mo CNS CLL/PD NA Yes/NA Alive Ruchlemer et al [13]
IA 2 mo CNS CLL/PD NA Yes/NA Alive Ruchlemer et al [13]
IA 6 wk Lungs CLL/PD 62/M No/fludarabine and rituximab Alive Arthus et al [14]
IA 2 wk CNS, lungs PCNSL 76/F Yes/no (frontline) Dead Lionakis et al [12]
IA 2 wk CNS, lungs PCNSL 65/M Yes/no (frontline) Dead Lionakis et al [12]
IA 3 mo CNS, lungs PCNSL 87/F No/no (frontline) Dead Lionakis et al [12]
IAd 4 mo Lungs PCNSL 60/M Yes/no (frontline) Alive Lionakis et al [12]
IAd 2 mo Lungs PCNSL 53/M No/no (frontline) Alive Lionakis et al [12]
IAd [1 mo Lungs PCNSL 64/M Yes/no (frontline) Alive Lionakis et al [12]
IA 2 wk CNS, lungs PCNSL 49/M Yes/no (frontline) Alive Lionakis et al [12]
Aspergillus nidulans 3 wk Sinusitis, CNS CLL/PD 75/F No/fludarabine, ritiximab, cyclophosphamide Alive Baron et al [18]
Extensive aspergillosis 2.1 mo Lungs, brain CLL/PD 76/NA No/rituximab Dead Jain et al [6]
Mucormycosis, aspergillosis 7 mo Lungs CLL/PD 67/M No/rituximab, fludarabine Dead Kreiniz et al [23]
Mucormycosis NA Skin CLL/NA NA NA/no Dead c Figuera Castro et al [17]
Fusarium solani 1.5 mo Disseminated CLL/PD 46/M No/anti-CD20 mAb and bendamustin Alive Chan et al [20]

Abbreviations: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CNS, central nervous system; F, female; IA, invasive aspergillosis; IFI, invasive fungal infection; M, male; mAb, monoclonal antibody; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; NA, not available; PCNSL, primary central nervous system lymphoma; PD, progressive disease; PJP, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; WM, Waldenström macroglobulinemia.

aFive additional cases of IFIs in patients with LLC and MCL were reported at a single university cancer center during a 1-year study period, including 2 cases of IA and 1 case each of mucormycosis, PJP, and cryptococcosis, all occurring within 3 months of ibrutinib therapy (Protin et al [16]). Dimopoulos et al [9] reported 1 case of IA in a patient with WM; Byrd et al [10], 2 cases of pulmonary IA; Byrd et al [11], 1 case of cryptococcal infection in a patient with CLL; O’Brien et al [21], 1 case of PJP in a patient with CLL; Choquet et al [24], 2 cases of pulmonary IA in patients with PCNSL; and Grommes et al [25], 1 case of CNS IA in a patient with PCNSL. Information on infectious disease outcome and patient clinical characteristics was not available for these cases.

bThe patient received an intermittent course of low-dose oral corticosteroids.

cDeath due to unrelated causes.

dPossible IA.