FIG 4 .
CO-reducing activities and product profiles of NifDKM, VnfDGKV, and VnfDGKM. (A to C) Individual activities of hydrocarbon formation (A), distributions of hydrocarbon products (B), and total activities of hydrocarbon product formation (C) by NifDKM, VnfDGKV, and VnfDGKM when CO is supplied as a substrate. Activities are expressed as nanomoles of product per nanomole of cofactor per minute in panels A and C. The percentage activities of proteins are shown in red in panel C, with the total activity of VnfDGKV set at 100% and those of NifDKM and VnfDGKM calculated accordingly. Note that there is a contribution of V to the activity of VnfDGKM due to the presence of <0.07 nmol of V per nmol of VnfDGKM. However, the percentage contribution of V to the overall activity of VnfDGKM cannot be conclusively determined due to the inaccuracy of V determination in this low concentration range.