Table 1.
Subject area | Proposed question | |
1. Categorization | 1A | What is the number of patients in each ILAR sub-group in the audit population? |
1B | What is the proportion of patients in each ILAR sub-group, relative to the audit population? | |
2. Access | 2 | What is the median time for children with suspected JIA from receipt of the referral letter in the rheumatology department to the date of the first appointment offered in a rheumatology clinic? (modified PRH03) |
(PRH03: children with newly diagnosed JIA should have access to a specialist paediatric rheumatology service within 6 weeks of the referral being received by the specialist service) | ||
3. Steroids | 3A | What is the mean number of days to joint injection on a dedicated paediatric general anaesthesia list from date of decision to treat, for children of different ILAR sub-types? (PRH04) |
(PRH04: Children with JIA who need to have intra-articular steroid injection(s) should wait no longer than 4 weeks for the procedure. Those needing general anaesthesia will have these performed on a paediatric general anaesthesia list) | ||
3B | What percentage of children of different ILAR sub-types is on oral (systemic) steroids at different times after their first rheumatology clinic visit? | |
4. DMARDS | 4 | What is the median time from their first clinic visit to the decision to treat with methotrexate, for children of different ILAR sub-types? |
5. Biologic therapies | 5 | What is the median time from their first clinic visit to the decision to treat with their first biologic therapy? |
– for children of different ILAR sub-types | ||
– for different biologic therapies | ||
6 Uveitis | 6 | What is the median time from the patient's first clinic visit to the date of their first uveitis screening with an appropriate paediatric ophthalmic specialist, for patients of different ILAR sub-types? (modified PRH05) |
(PRH05: Children with JIA should have access to uveitis screening within 6 weeks of diagnosis) | ||
7. Clinic organization | 7A | What proportion of children who started a DMARD or biologic agent were counselled by a paediatric rheumatology clinical nurse specialist (PRH01) |
(PRH01: Children with established rheumatic diseases (and their carers) should be counselled by a paediatric rheumatology clinical nurse specialist before starting treatment with a DMARD or Biologic) | ||
7B | What proportion of children with JIA is seen in a specialist paediatric rheumatology clinic and what proportions in other clinic types (modified PRH02) | |
(PRH02: Children with JIA should have access to a paediatric rheumatology clinic for follow-up appointments) | ||
8. Research | 8 | What proportion of eligible patients has been recruited to the BSPAR Cohort Studies (BSPAR Etanercept and BCRD)? |
Where a measure maps to a commissioning item then the commissioning statement is also shown in italics.