Table 2.
Comparison of neuropsychological and language performance between the three groups: means (standard deviation).
– | – | – | – | p value | ||
– | RRMS (n=15) |
SPMS (n=12) |
CG (n=12) |
RRMS vs. CG |
SPMS vs. CG |
RAVLT Trial 1 |
6.90 (1.45) |
6.05 (1.20) | 7.50 (1.90) |
.015* | .030* | .025* |
RAVLT Trials 1 to 5 |
47.87 (6.41) | 41.33 (7.57) | 55.08 (6.14) | .050 | .026* | .000* |
RAVLT Delayed Recall | 10.10 (2.15) | 9.65 (1.35) | 12.30 (2.60) | .067 | .013* | .001* |
Phonological Fluency | 27. 25 (12.51) | 22.75 (12.18) | 35.42 (7.96) | .915 | .206 | .027* |
Semantic Fluency | 44.13 (10.41) | 37.08 (5.33) | 48.00 (11.94) | .208 | .934 | .028* |
SDMT | 45. 90 (7.50) | 37.25 (6.50) | 52. 15 (9.65) | .000* | .003* | .037* |
SNST | 65.70 (9.50) | 60. 20 (7.40) | 105.15 (2.85) | .030* | .000* | .001* |
TMT - A | 52.13 (17.38) | 69.06 (18.07) | 44.33 (15.46) | .070 | .846 | .007* |
TMT - B | 97.72 (30.12) | 69.06 (17.05) | 44.33 (15.45) | .003* | 1.00 | .001* |
RAVLT Trial 1= Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Trial 1; RAVLT Trials 1-5 = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Trial 1-5; RAVLT Delayed Recall= Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed Recall; SDMT = Symbol Digits Modalities Test; SNST = Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test; TMT A = Trail Making Test part A; TMT A = Trail Making Test part B Significant difference among groups on that variable (p <.05)*, all other comparisons were not significantly different.