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. 2017 Aug 24;66(1):20–28. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix768

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of 1868 Participants by Sex

Variable Category Female, No. (%) Male, No. (%)
Overall 590 (31.58) 1278 (68.42)
Age, y, median (IQR) (n = 1868) 24.37 (8.26) 26.00 (9.00)
Duration of injection, y, median (IQR) (n = 1866) 6.00 (7.00) 7.00 (8.00)
Race/ethnicity (n = 1748) Nonwhite 138 (23.39) 268 (20.97)
White 407 (68.98) 935 (73.16)
Unknowna 45 (7.63) 75 (5.87)
Educatedb (n = 1645) No 267 (45.25) 550 (43.04)
Yes 248 (42.03) 580 (45.38)
Unknowna 75 (12.71) 148 (11.58)
Stable housing (n = 1136) No 189 (32.03) 441 (34.51)
Yes 168 (28.47) 338 (26.45)
Unknowna 233 (39.49) 449 (39.05)
Unemployed (n = 1010) No 124 (21.02) 320 (25.04)
Yes 195 (33.05) 371 (29.03)
Unknowna 271 (45.93) 587 (45.93)
Incarceration ever (n = 1779) No 224 (37.97) 306 (23.94)
Yes 333 (56.44) 916 (71.67)
Unknowna 33 (5.59) 56 (4.38)
Medication-assisted treatment (ever) (n = 1272) No 255 (43.22) 611 (47.81)
Yes 132 (22.37) 274 (21.44)
Unknowna 203 (34.41) 393 (30.75)
Recent injectionc (n = 1362) No 53 (8.98) 132 (10.33)
Yes 364 (61.69) 813 (63.62)
Unknowna 173 (29.32) 333 (26.06)
Receptive syringe sharing (n = 1233) No 247 (41.86) 617 (48.28)
Yes 124 (21.02 245 (19.17)
Unknowna 219 (37.12) 416 (32.55)
Receptive ancillary equipment sharing (n = 1070) No 158 (26.78) 460 (35.99)
Yes 165 (27.97) 287 (22.46)
Unknowna 267 (45.25) 531 (41.55)
Needle and syringe programs (n = 938) No 93 (15.76) 199 (15.57)
Yes 204 (34.58) 442 (34.59)
Unknowna 293 (49.66) 637 (49.84)
Illicit opioid used (n = 781) No 57 (9.66) 128 (10.02)
Yes 198 (33.56) 398 (31.14)
Unknowna 335 (56.78) 752 (58.84)
Medication-assisted treatment (recent) (n = 1207) No 238 (40.34) 577 (45.15)
Yes 127 (21.53) 265 (20.74)
Unknowna 225 (38.14) 436 (34.12)
Obtained needles from safe source (n = 985) No 31 (5.25) 64 (5.01)
Yes 278 (47.12) 612 (47.89)
Unknowna 281 (47.63) 602 (47.10)
Multiple sex partnerse (n = 822) 0 or 1 110 (18.64) 314 (24.57)
≥2 123 (20.85) 275 (21.52)
Unknowna 357 (60.51) 689 (53.91)
Ever traded sex for goods, drug, money, housing, or favors (n = 426) No 53 (8.98) 300 (23.47)
Yes 34 (5.76) 39 (3.05)
Unknowna 503 (85.25) 939 (73.47)
Recent alcohol usec (n = 1048) No 79 (13.39) 179 (14.01)
Yes 239 (40.51) 551 (43.11)
Unknowna 272 (46.10) 548 (42.88)
Collaborating sites Amsterdam, Netherlands (ACS) 52 (8.81) 115 (9.00)
Sydney, Australia (HCVC) 100 (16.95) 156 (12.21)
Montreal, Canada (HepCo) 50 (8.47) 218 (17.06)
Sydney, Australia (HITS-c) 37 (6.27) 124 (9.70)
Sydney, Australia (HITS-p) 172 (29.15) 322 (25.20)
Melbourne, Australia (SuperMIX) 43 (7.29) 79 (6.18)
San Francisco, California (UFO) 136 (23.05) 264 (20.66)

Abbreviations: ACS, Amsterdam Cohort Studies; HCVC, Hepatitis C Virus Cohort Study; HepCo, St Luc Cohort; HITS-c, Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission Study–Community; HITS-p, Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission Study–Prison; IQR, interquartile range; SuperMIX, Networks 2 and MIX studies; UFO, U-Find-Out Study.

aData not collected by cohort or not reported by participant.

bEducated: completed high school and higher.

cReported at the interview prior to primary hepatitis C virus infection diagnosis, recent indicates last 3–6 months prior to interview. Interview interval varies for each site: 6 months: ACS, HCVC, HEPCO, HITS-c, and HITS-p; 3 months: SuperMIX and UFO.

dHeroin/other opioids includes heroin. other opioids. and speedball. Pychostimulants includes amphetamines (including methamphetamines) and cocaine.

eRecent number of sex partners (≥2 people vs less).