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. 2017 Mar 31;96(8):2518–2527. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex060

Table 3.

Bone traits of the tibia in 73-week-old laying hens subjected to different rearing and adult housing systems as measured by quantitative computed tomography.

Density mg/cm3 (±SE) Cross-sectional area mm2 (±SE) Bone mineral content mg/mm (±SE)
Total Cortical Trabecular Total Cortical Trabecular Total Cortical Trabecular
Rearing 1
Conv 589.2 (7.68) 1063.2 (6.52) 208.19 (6.37) 39.1 (0.45) 17.3 (0.42) 21.2 (0.45) 23.1 (0.36) 18.4 (0.39) 4.4 (0.13)
Avi 590.6 (8.40) 1031.5 (7.03) 198.7 (6.93) 40.4 (0.47) 19.0 (0.45) 20.4 (0.50) 23.9 (0.39) 19.6 (0.43) 4.0 (0.15)
DF 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114
F-value 0.01 12.90 1.08 5.61 9.12 1.29 2.36 4.86 4.33
P-value 0.905 <0.001 0.301 0.019 0.003 0.259 0.127 0.029 0.039
Adult housing 2
FC-L 620.3 (8.65)a 1061.3 (7.19) 213.8 (7.11) 39.2 (0.48) 18.9 (0.46) 19.2 (0.51)a 24.3 (0.40)a 19.9 (0.44)a 4.0 (0.15)
FC-S 571.9 (12.42)b 1040.0 (10.00) 197.6 (10.10) 40.4 (0.64) 17.9 (0.65) 21.7 (0.73)b 23.2 (0.57)a,b 18.7 (0.61)a,b 4.3 (0.21)
CC 577.5 (7.92)b 1040.7 (6.72) 198.9 (6.57) 39.6 (0.46) 17.6 (0.43) 21.4 (0.47)b 22.9 (0.37)b 18.3 (0.41)b 4.2 (0.14)
DF 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114
F-value 8.34 3.01 1.51 1.66 2.44 6.21 3.60 4.52 0.73
P-value <0.001 0.053 0.226 0.195 0.092 0.003 0.030 0.013 0.484
Interaction R*A 3
Conv * FC-L 604.1 (13.00) 1076.8 (10.40) 212.6 (10.54) 38.8 (0.66) 17.6 (0.67) 20.5 (0.77) 23.4 (0.60) 18.9 (0.64) 4.3 (0.22)
Conv * FC-S 574.6 (15.54) 1053.5 (12.33) 210.3 (12.56) 39.5 (0.77) 17.1 (0.80) 21.9 (0.92) 22.8 (0.72) 18.0 (0.76) 4.6 (0.27)
Conv * CC 589.0 (10.99) 1056.1 (8.95) 201.7 (8.97) 39.0 (0.58) 17.1 (0.58) 21.0 (0.65) 23.0 (0.51) 18.1 (0.55) 4.3 (0.19)
Avi * FC-L 636.5 (11.40) 1045.7 (9.22) 214.9 (9.28) 39.5 (0.59) 20.1 (0.60) 17.9 (0.67) 25.2 (0.52) 20.9 (0.57) 3.8 (0.20)
Avi * FC-S 569.2 (19.38) 1023.5 (15.29) 185.0 (15.64) 41.4 (0.95) 18.8 (0.99) 21.5 (1.14) 23.6 (0.90) 19.3 (0.94) 3.9 (0.33)
Avi * CC 566.0 (11.40) 1025.2 (9.25) 196.2 (9.30) 40.2 (0.60) 18.0 (0.60) 21.7 (0.67) 22.8 (0.53) 18.5 (0.57) 4.2 (0.20)
DF 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114
F-value 2.84 0.00 0.65 0.36 0.93 2.57 1.89 1.06 0.70
P-value 0.062 0.995 0.524 0.699 0.397 0.081 0.155 0.351 0.497

a,bWithin a column, for each treatment variable (Adult housing, Interaction R*A), means lacking a common superscript differ (P < 0.05).

1Pullets housed in a conventional rearing system (Conv) or an aviary rearing system (Avi) until 16 wk of age, Flocks 1 to 4.

2Adult hens placed into furnished cage- large (FC-L), furnished cage-small (FC-S), or conventional cages (CC) from 16 to 73 wk of age, Flocks 1 to 4.

3Interaction between rearing housing system and adult housing system.