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. 2017 Jul 28;96(10):3645–3653. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex178

Table 1.

Performance of broiler chickens supplemented with organic acids as an alternative to antibiotics, submitted or not to microbiological challenge.

Effects1 n LS-Means n LS-Means n LS-Means n LS-Means n LS-Means
Additive CON 371 44.7 b3 365 85.0 367 1.85 57 91.9 54 260.1
OA 688 45.7 b 670 84.6 673 1.78 119 93.4 113 277.8
ATB 89 48.5 a 89 84.3 90 1.70 21 93.9 20 314.0
Challenge 1063 47.0 1055 84.1 1056 1.73 173 97.5 172 287.3
+ 85 45.6 69 85.1 74 1.82 24 88.7 15 280.6
Additive × Challenge CON − 345 46.0 343 83.8 344 1.76 b A 50 97.3 a A 49 269.0
CON + 26 43.4 22 86.2 23 1.94 c B 7 86.6 b B 5 251.2
OA − 640 47.1 634 83.5 634 1.72 a A 106 97.7 a A 106 293.9
OA + 48 44.3 36 85.7 39 1.83 b B 13 89.1 ab B 7 261.6
ATB − 78 48.0 78 85.0 78 1.72 a A 17 97.6 a A 17 299.1
ATB + 11 49.0 11 83.6 12 1.68 a A 4 90.4 a B 3 328.9
SE 0.58 1.21 0.011 0.36 6.47
Model4 Probability of fixed effects
Additive 0.007 0.918 <0.001 0.001 0.170
Challenge 0.397 0.714 0.021 <0.001 0.866
Additive × Challenge 0.241 0.614 <0.001 0.014 0.539
Age <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Age × Age <0.001 <0.001 - <0.001 <0.001

1CON, control (without additive); OA, organic acids; ATB, antibiotics; −, without challenge; +, with challenge.

2FCR, feed conversion ratio; VB, viability; PF, production factor = (((ADG × VB)/FCR)/10).

3LS-Means (least square means) followed by distinct letters differ by the Tukey-Kramer's test (P < 0.05). In the interactions, lower case letters represent the comparison between the additives (within the absence or the presence of challenge), and upper case letters represent the comparison between the absence and the presence of challenge (within each additive).

4Studies (experiments) entered in the model as a random-effect class variable, and the variables age (average between the initial and final age of each evaluation, expressed in d) and age × age entered in the model as fixed-effect covariates.