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. 2018 Mar;37(1):1–11. doi: 10.1017/S0714980817000563

Table 1:

Exemplary search strategy for Medline database (1946 to present) via OVID: Includes MEDLINE in-process & other non-indexed citations

# Search Terms
1 exp Aged/
2 ((gerontolog* or older adult* or elder* or senior* or geriatric* or aged). af.
3 1 and 2
4 exp Legal Guardians/
5 exp Decision Making/
6 exp Third-Party Consent/
7 (advocat$ or legal$ guardian$ or surrogate$ decision maker$ or decision making$ or no surrogate$ or incapacitate$ or unrepresent$ or public guardian$ or conservator$ or unbefriend$).mp
8 4 or 5 or 6 or 7
9 3 and 8
10 exp Health Behaviour/ or exp Health Status Indicators/ or exp Health Status/ or exp Health Services/ or exp Health Services for the Aged/
11 9 and 10
12 11 and 1991:2016. (sa_year)