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. 2018 Mar;37(1):1–11. doi: 10.1017/S0714980817000563

Table 2:

Study characteristics

Author, Journal, Year Study Design Setting, Location Sample, Subjects Proportion of OA without Family or Friend Guardian in Total Sample Sample Demographic Characteristics Statistical Analysis
Janofsky, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology, 1993 Cross-sectional survey Nursing home (n = 1)
Country: USA
Emergency contact or family member of resident
(n = 191 respondents)
n = 63 residents lacked durable power of attorney or guardian
Prevalence = 33%
n = 46 (73%) were not considered mentally capable of decision-making
n = 16 (25.4%) were considered mentally capable of decision-making
Teaster, dissertation, 1997 Qualitative interviews, document review Qualitative interviews, document review of court petitions, and case files from older adults under public guardianship
Country: USA
Case files from older adults included in qualitative interviews and observations
(n = 19 )
NA n = 10 (52.6%) able to communicate verbally
n = 9 (47.4%) unable to communicate verbally
Average age = 80.7 years
n = 13 (68.4%) lived in a nursing home, 1 (5.5%) in hospital, 1 (5.3%) in own home, 3 (15.8%) in group home, 1 (5.5%) home for adults
n = 10 (52.6%) have a dementia
All had at least one major medical diagnosis; the average number of major medical diagnoses was 3+
Author, Journal, Year Study Design Setting, Location Sample, Subjects Proportion of OA without Family or Friend Guardian in Total Sample Sample Demographic Characteristics with Comparison Groups Statistical Analysis
Reynolds, Aging and Mental Health, 1997 a Cross-sectional survey Records from Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health’s Office of Public Guardian
Country: USA
Wards who were 70+ (n = 623)
Total # of records: n = 2,151
n = 623 older adults under public guardianship
Prevalence = 29%
Public Conservatees vs. Nationally Representative Sample of Older Adults
Age 85+: Public = 30.2%;
National = 13.6%
Married: Public = 6%; National = 54.9%
Single: Public = 38%; National = 2.9%
Separated or divorced: Public = 19.8%;
National = 5%
Childless: Public = 73.2%;
National = 14.9%
No Siblings: Public = 71.3%;
National = 23.6%
High School Graduate +: Public = 65.1%;
National = 55.9%
Wealth (None): Public = 31.9%;
National = 6.5%
Real estate value (None): Public = 83.2%;
National = 25.5%
Pearson χ2 p < .05 reported
Reynolds, Aging and Mental Health, 1999 Cross-sectional survey Court records in two counties
Country: USA
n = 406 court files n = 167 had family guardians
n = 147 had professional guardians
Prevalence = 41%
Public Conservatees vs. Family Conservatees
Age (mean): Public = 74.26;
Family = 63.45
With Spouse (Yes): Public = 7.60%;
Family = 20.2%
Number of children: Public = 0.29;
Family = 0.96
Number of siblings: Public = 0.41;
Family = 0.71
Pearson χ2 p < .05 reported
Reynolds, Research on Aging, 1997 Cross-sectional survey Records from Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health’s Office of Public Guardian
Country: USA
Wards who were 60+ (n = 894)
Total # of records: n = 2,118
42.2% Older (60+) vs. Young (<60)
Female: Old = (0.63); Young = (0.33)
Married: Old = (0.06); Young = (0.04)
Single: Old = (0.39); Young = (0.74)
Widowed: Old = (0.24); Young = (0.01)
Divorced/Separated: Old = (0.29);
Young = (0.18)
Indications of Severe Disability:
Old = (0.35); Young = (0.14)
ADL Impairments: Old = (2.56);
Young = (0.14)
Diagnosis of schizophrenia or other
psychosis: Old = (0.28); Young = (0.74)
Diagnosis of dementia/OBS: Old = (0.46);
Young = (0.05)
No tests for significant differences;
Conducted regression model with age as predictor of placement in locked facility

OA = older adults

OBS = organic brain syndrome


The comparative data set of a nationally representative sample of older adults came from the Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) study described here: