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. 2018 Mar 14;11:67. doi: 10.1186/s13068-018-1066-3

Table 8.

Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficients (≥ .70) between composition components and products generated by enzyme saccharification and fermentation following each pretreatment

Cell composition and ratios Pretreatment
Cell: Lig Cell: Hem Lig Cell Hemi Mild water Severe water Acid Alkali
PrE Glu PoE Glu PoE Xyl Eth PrE Glu PoE Glu Arab PrE Glu PoE Glu PrE Xyl Eth PoE Glu PoE Xyl
H:L ratio .974 − .856 − .986 − .761 .720 .843 .708 .759 .943 .807
Cell: Lig − .730 − .939 .727 .864 .736
Cell: Hem .882 .889 − .792 − .875 − .732 − .745 − .775 − .783 − .730 − .917 − .781
Lig .828 − .710 − .875 − .725 − .827 − .712 − .724 − .944 − .754
Cell − .893 − .929 − .823 − .928 − .856 − .840 − .948 − .847 − .708
Holo .873 − .926 − .752 − .957 − .728 − .946 .805
Hem .719
PrE Glu .841 .769 .776 .710 .715
PoE Glu .851 .727 .861
PoE Xyl .932
Arab .805 .759
Eth .768 .802

n = 18 for all, two-tailed significance ≤ 0.001 for all values below

Cell cellulose, Lig lignin, Hem hemicellulose, Holo holocellulose; H:L = holocellulose to lignin ratio, Cell: Lig cellulose to lignin ratio, Cell: Hem cellulose to hemicellulose ratio, PrE pre-enzyme addition, PoE post-enzyme addition, Glu glucose, Xyl xylose, Arab arabinose, Eth ethanol