Fig. 4.
p73 protein induction in response to teriflunomide stimulation. a–c”’ Double immunostaining and its quantification confirmed that early teriflunomide pulses (scheme II, see Fig. 3) result in cells displaying strong TAp73 signals (arrowheads in b) correlating also with MBP positivity (dashed bars in a). Late teriflunomide pulses (scheme III) could not boost both protein markers. Scale bars, 20 μm. d–g Western blot analysis confirmed that early short-term teriflunomide pulses (scheme II) result in a strong induction of CNPase (e), MBP (f), and PLP levels (g), as well as of TAp73 (d) protein levels. Late pulses (scheme III) did not upregulate TAp73 or myelin marker expression (as quantified for TAp73 in d). Actin was used for normalization and protein molecular weights are indicated in kilodalton. Data are shown as mean, and error bars represent SEM. t test (ns, not significant, *p < 0.05). Number of experiments: n = 3 for (a, d, f, g), n = 2 for (e)