Table 1.
Poststudy questionnaire statements. Q# refers to questionnaire item #.
Q# | Questionnaire statements |
1 | In my prior course-work and self study, I have not been shown specific eye movement patterns for evaluation of line/tube positioning on CXRs. |
2 | The search pattern training was helpful for learning the skills needed to evaluate line/tube positioning on CXR. |
3 | The search pattern training helped me feel more confident about my ability to identify line/tube positioning on CXR. |
4 | Search pattern training for other medically relevant abnormalities would be a helpful way to learn about additional topics in radiology. |
5 | The simulated radiology workstation (SRW) used for this study was helpful for learning the skills needed to evaluate line/tube positioning on CXR. |
6 | Compared with conventional learning materials (including printed/electronic textbooks and case files), the SRW provided a more effective way to develop the skills needed to evaluate line/tube positioning on CXR. |
7 | SRW would be a helpful way to learn about additional topics in radiology. |
8 | Participation in this study was an overall positive experience. |