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. 2018 Feb 28;20(2):e73. doi: 10.2196/jmir.9003

Table 2.

Construct reliability and convergent validity.

Construct and items Factor loadings Composite reliability Average variance extracted Cronbach alpha
Instrumental interaction (INI)

INI1 0.8021 0.8125 0.5912 .6547

INI2 0.7388

INI3 0.7644

Affective interaction (AI)

AI1 0.7639 0.8051 0.5793 .6369

AI2 0.7704

AI3 0.7489

Declarative knowledge (DK)

DK1 0.7566 0.8564 0.5444 .7912

DK2 0.769

DK3 0.7582

DK4 0.7022

DK5 0.7002

Self-efficacy (SE)

SE1 0.7798 0.8876 0.6124 .8419

SE2 0.7624

SE3 0.7873

SE4 0.7869

SE5 0.796

Outcome expectancy (OE)

OE1 0.7635 0.8342 0.6239 .6983

OE2 0.8345

OE3 0.7697

Health behaviors (HB)

HB1 0.8094 0.9021 0.5688 .8737

HB2 0.7335

HB3 0.7244

HB4 0.7611

HB5 0.731

HB6 0.7916

HB7 0.7232