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. 2018 Mar 15;14(3):e8041. doi: 10.15252/msb.20178041

Figure EV2. Reconstructing the hematopoietic hierarchy from micro‐clusters.

Figure EV2

  • A
    The maximum pairwise correlation and covariance between micro‐clusters after taking the average expression from n nearest single cells. We observe an increase in micro‐cluster similarity with increasing values of n, approaching saturation at n = 20.
  • B, C
    Scatter plots showing the actual dropout rates per gene vs. the expected dropout rates predicted from stochastic Poisson distribution among single cells in one micro‐cluster (title shows the Pearson correlation). Each point represents one gene, and examples are shown for two representative micro‐clusters. Red lines in dash indicates y = x. (B) All detected genes are included in the analysis; (C) genes not used for clustering (non‐variable genes) are shown.
  • C
    A density plot showing the distribution of correlations between expected dropouts and actual dropouts across single cells for 100 randomly selected micro‐clusters. Blue: all genes; red: non‐variable genes.
  • D
    A graph representation for the MST computed on 963 micro‐clusters. This is the same MST as shown in Fig 2B, but here, the layout was computed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) based on the MST‐derived distance matrix and adjusted using tkplot() in R, in order to more easily visualize the branching structure. Nodes are labeled in the same color scheme as in Fig 2B.
  • E
    Cellular hierarchy identified by running Monocle (Trapnell et al, 2014) on 960 micro‐clusters (excluding Mk), specifying num_paths = 4 and reduction_method = “ICA”. The biological conclusions are fully consistent with our results.
  • F
    Scaled expression for PF4, a marker for Mk cells, across micro‐clusters. Micro‐clusters deriving from the Mk progenitor cluster C1 express PF4 and are circled and labeled.
  • G
    Results of 500 bootstraps of the MST construction process. All 500 bootstraps revealed identical hierarchical relationships for HSC and all four downstream lineages, with the exception of Mk progenitors. While most bootstraps revealed evidence for a transition from EMP to Mk cells, this was not uniform across data subsamples, demonstrating that the hierarchical placement of Mk progenitors was not entirely robust. We therefore focus on the remaining lineages, for which we identified consistent results across all bootstraps.