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. 2018 Feb 27;33(12):e98. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e98

Table 2. Parameters used in model 2.

Parameters Meaning Value Reference
r1 Contact rate between a larva and a person 2 × 10−17 Assumeda
r2 Contact rate between a larva and a rodent 2 × 10−11 Assumeda
µR Mortality rate of rodents 1 Same as BRa
µLQ Mortality rate of questing larva 1.5 Calculatedb
µLF Mortality rate of feeding larva 7.92 Calculatedb
µA Mortality rate of adult mite 0.08 Yu and Tesh36
γH Recovery rate of infected humans 2 Plamer et al.1
THL Transmission probability to humans from a larva bite 0.75 Same as TRLa
TRL Transmission probability to rodents from a larva bite 0.75 Lerdthusnee et al.33
TLR Transmission probability to larva from rodent contact 0.09 Takahashi et al.34
BR Birth rate of rodents 1 Yoon et al.35
BM Birth rate of mites 20 Kim et al.3
ε Trans-ovarian transmission probability of mites 0.9 Shin et al.37
G Growth rate 0.084 Calculatedb

aSame as model 1 parameters. bCalculated to satisfy the assumption of fixed population size (the calculation process is described in the text).