Challenging care |
Mutual factors affecting care |
Care inhibitors |
Related to nursing (shortage of nurse, financial problems of nurses, family problems, inexperienced nurses, nurse’s fatigue and mental pressure, and heavy work shifts) |
Related to patients (hard to gain the trust of patients and emotional sensitivity of patients) |
Due to poor management (poor ventilation, lack of equipment technicians, shortage of equipment and devices, poor cooperation of head nurses with nurses) |
Care facilitators |
Nurse’s high experience, emotional relationship between the nurse and the patient, high educational level of the nurse, and safe therapeutic environment |
Care outcomes |
Negative effects of care on the nurse |
Negative personal physical effects (facing physical harms) and emotional (irritability, bad temper), exhaustion, obsessive thoughts regarding health, feeling of depression) |
Negative family effects (neglecting children, failure to meet spouse’s needs, and inability to handle housekeeping duties) |
Positive effects of care on the patient |
Reduced physical problems, reduced complications, improving the patient’s mental state and feeling safe, increasing patient’s life expectancy and interdependencies between the patient and the nurse |