Figure 4.
Susceptibility tests for Δsnf1 to adverse culture conditions. (a) Stress tolerance to cell wall inhibitors, Congo red, calcofluor white and caspofungin on PDA. PDA without the supplements served as the control. Conidiation and vegetative growth of Δsnf1 was significantly affected; (b) Stress tolerance to osmotic pressure generated by high concentration of KCl, NaCl and sorbitol. Growth test under oxidative stress (2 mM H2O2), plus G418 Susceptibility tests for Δsnf1; (c) The number of conidia produced by NK17, Δsnf1 and the complementation strain snf1-C was determined in the indicated conditions and triplicate PDAs for each strain were incubated at 28 °C for 168 h. Error bars represent standard deviations.