Table 6.
Model predicted daily milk production (kgMS/day) at different MAP infection status. P-values are Tukey contrasts for multiple comparison
infection status | Predicted daily milk production and 95% CI (kgMS/day) | Significance of Tukey adjusted pairwise comparison of MAP statusa. |
Undetected | 1.74 (1.71–1.76) | b |
Moderate Latent | 1.71 (1.66–1.77) | b |
High Latent | 1.67 (1.60–1.73) | b |
Moderate Shedding | 1.64 (1.56–1.72) | ab |
High Shedding | 1.53 (1.42–1.63) | a |
aValues with different letters are significantly different at p < 0.05