Fig. 5.
The impact of degree of missing data on relative performance of OCTAL and ASTRAL-II under the RF distance evaluation criteria. The y-axis shows the difference in the RF error rate between trees completed using OCTAL (using ASTRID as the reference tree) and ASTRAL-II. Positive values indicate that OCTAL is better than ASTRAL-II, and negative values indicate that ASTRAL-II is better. For many genes, there is no difference in accuracy between OCTAL and ASTRAL-II. However, when there is a difference between the two methods, OCTAL frequently outperforms ASTRAL-II. This finding holds regardless of the degree of missing data. For each level of ILS, boxplots include genes with a specified percent of missing data (e.g., red indicates genes are missing 0–20% of the species). The number N of genes in each plot is provided on the x-axis