Fig. 3.
Two-way hierarchical clustering heatmap of cutin monomers and S. pennellii ILs. The ILs were classified into eight clusters (C1–C8); cutin monomers were classified into two main clusters (I and II) and four subclusters (Ia, Ib, IIa, and IIb). Cutin coverage (μg cm−2) for each monomer in every line is represented by a colored gradient, the intensity of which ranges from dark blue, corresponding to lower wax accumulation levels, to dark red, corresponding to higher wax accumulation levels. The ehfa8.3 QTL in IL8.3 containing cutin monomers with different levels of accumulation relative to the parental S. lycopersicum M82 (black squares) in the second-year experiments (Dunnett’s test, P<0.05) is highlighted with a red triangle. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online.)