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. 2018 Mar 7;3(2):e00041-18. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00041-18


Studies examining the fecal pH of healthy, breastfed infants

Study author(s) (country) Yr Fecal pH SD Sample size Reference
Eitel (Germany)a 1917 4.6–5.6 NRb NR 19
Freudenberg and Heller
1921 4.8–5.6 NR NR 20
Tisdall (Canada)a 1924 4.7–5.1 NR NR 21
Norton (United States) 1926 4.88 0.22 19 9
Uldall (Denmark) 1942 5.5 0.56 17 22
Barbero (United States) 1952 5.5 NR 7 23
Pratt (United States) 1955 5.4 NR 71 24
Nagai (Japan) 1960 5.3 0.25 9 25
Bullen (United Kingdom) 1971 5.2 0.43 10 26
Bullen (United Kingdom) 1977 5.1 NR 13 27
Simhon (United Kingdom) 1982 5.9 NR 17 28
Balmer (United Kingdom) 1989 6.18 0.67 38 29
Ogawa (Argentina) 1992 5.8 0.6 7 30
Knol (Germany) 2005 5.8 NR 21 31
Mohan (Germany) 2008 6.38 0.1 32 32
Holscher (United States) 2011 6.41 0.11 33 33
Matsuki (Japan)a 2016 5.9 0.6 15 8
Frese (United States) 2017 5.97 0.57 18 7

Report excluded for insufficient data.


NR, not reported.