Fig. 8.
Root trait analysis of myb1 mutants and WT plants grown in different Pi regimes. Uniformly germinated seeds of myb1 mutants and WT plants were grown hydroponically with (HP, 200 μ Μ Pi) or without (NP, 0 μ Μ Pi) Pi for 5 days. (A) Overview of the primary root architecture of myb1 mutants and WT plants. The roots of each seedling were cut off and scanned at 600 dpi. Shown are representatives of at least 15 seedlings. Scale bar=2 cm. (B) Primary root length. (C) Average lateral root length. (D) The ratio of the RERGA [root elongation ratio in response to exogenous GA; (average lateral root length under GA treatment – average lateral root length under control condition) ÷ average lateral root length under control condition] under the Pi starvation condition and the RERGA under the Pi sufficient condition. Values presented are means±SD (n=15–20). Different letters indicate significant differences within the HP or the NP condition (P<0.05, Duncan’s test). Asterisks indicate significant differences across conditions, between the two indicated values: * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, N.S., not significant (Student’s t-test).