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. 2017 Aug 7;216(10):1235–1244. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix390

Table 3.

Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors for Time to First Use of Supplemental Oxygen During the 28 Days After Diagnosis of Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection

Covariate HR (95% CI) P
Recipient age at transplantation, y
<21 1
21–60 4.87 (1.47–16.2) .01
>60 5.74 (1.64–20.1) .006
Steroid use at diagnosis
None 1
≤1 mg/kg/day 1.92 (1.05–3.52) .035
>1 mg/kg/day 2.39 (1.02–5.61) .045
LRTI as time-dependent covariate
No 1
Yes 7.63 (4.33–13.4) <.001
RSV testing method
Non-PCR 1
PCR 1.47 (.71–3.05) .303

Data are for 230 hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.