Table 1.
System parameters applied in the experiments
Parameter | Description | Value | Units |
D | Dilution rate | 0.125 | d–1 |
z max | Mixing depth | 0.05 | m |
T | Temperature | 20 | °C |
I in | Incident light intensity | 50 | µmol photons m–2 s–1 |
K bg | Background turbiditya | 7−11 | m–1 |
DICin | DIC concentration at influxb | 0.5 and 2.0 | mmol l–1 |
ALKin | Alkalinity at influxb | 0.79 and 2.29 | mEq l–1 |
sal | Salinityb | 1.23 and 1.36 | g l–1 |
pCO2 | CO2 concentration in gas flowb | 100 and 2000 | ppm |
a | Gas flow rate | 25 | l h–1 |
v | Gas transfer velocityb | 0.24 and 0.68 | m h–1 |
Background turbidity varied among the chemostat vessels.
The first value refers to the low pCO2 experiments and the second value to the high pCO2 experiments.