Plant, stem, and root non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations throughout starvation. (a) Total NSC and (d) starch concentrations for whole plants (i.e. roots + stem) for dark-, medium-, and light-shade treatments at the following stages of starvation: during leaf death (n=19, 20, 21), at stem half dead (SHD; n=11, 9, 10), and at stem all dead (SAD; n=8, 13, 11). (b, c) Total NSC and (e, f) starch concentrations for stems and roots separately for medium- and light-shade seedlings during leaf death (n=19,21), at SHD (n=8,10), and at SAD (n=13,13). Only significant ANOVA effects are listed. Different letters represent significant differences between stages of starvation across darkness-treatment temperatures and initial shade treatments. Asterisks indicate significant shade treatment effects at each stage (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001). Values are marginal means calculated across both temperatures (all back-transformed except for root NSC), and error bars represent 95% CI. Temperature effects are not shown separately because main temperature effects were not significant.