Stem and root mass-specific respiration rates throughout starvation by initial, pre-darkness shade treatment and temperature of darkness treatment. Mass-specific stem (a, b) and root (c, d) respiration were measured during harvests for initial measurements (i.e. pre-darkness), during leaf death, and when the top half of the stem had died (SHD). Root respiration was also measured when the whole stem had died (SAD). Means are back-transformed and error bars represent 95% CI. Only significant or marginal effects from the complete three-way ANOVA (stage, initial shade, temperature) are listed. D, M, and L indicate the initial dark-, medium-, and light-shade treatments, respectively. Different letters represent significant differences between stages of starvation across darkness temperatures and initial shade treatments. Asterisks indicate significant temperature (b, d) or initial shade treatment effects (a, c) at each stage: (*)P<0.10, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. For each shade treatment×temperature combination, n=4–5 at initial harvest, n=10–11 at leaf death, n=5–7 at SHD, and n=3–7 at SAD.