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. 2016 Jul 13;56(3):244–268. doi: 10.5334/pb.266

Table 1.

Descriptive Statistics And Correlations.

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. PAP 4.82 1.57
2. Autonomous motivation of PAP 4.46 1.60 .55***
3. Controlled motivation of PAP 2.81 1.45 .26*** .23***
4. MAP 5.95 0.93 .45*** .26*** .00
5. Autonomous motivation of MAP 5.27 1.12 .21*** .45*** –.10* .53***
6. Controlled motivation of MAP 3.02 1.41 .22*** .13** .79*** .03 –.09
Sport Outcomes
7. Perceived Goal Attainment 4.64 1.13 .34*** .30*** .08 .39*** .36*** .09*
8. Satisfaction 5.90 0.74 .14** .17*** –.18*** .43*** .42*** –.18*** .30***
9. Positive Affect 3.87 0.70 .21*** .26*** –.06 .45*** .46*** –.06 .37*** .58***
10. Negative Affect 1.68 0.55 .03 .01 .31** –.22*** –.19*** .31*** –.04 –.22*** –.14**

Note. PAP = performance-approach goal; MAP = mastery-approach goal.

* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001