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. 2018 Mar 15;13(3):e0194092. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194092

Table 2. Predator and prey total length (TL, mm) transformations (trans.) and quantile regression derived equations.

Species Prey shape Predator trans. Prey trans. Equation
Crappie All x loge(y) PreyTL=exp(α+βpredatorTL)
Largemouth Bass All x loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)
Fusiform loge(x) loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βloge (predator TL))
Lat. comp. x2 loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL2)
Muskellunge All x loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)
Fusiform x loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)
Lat. comp. x y Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)2
Northern Pike All loge(x) loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βloge (predator TL))
Rock Bass All x2 loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL2)
Smallmouth Bass All x2 loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL2)
Walleye All x loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)
Fusiform x loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL)
Lat. comp. x2 loge(y) Prey TL = exp(α + βpredator TL2)

Piscivores evaluated include a grouped ‘crappie’ category (P. nigromaculatus and P. annularis), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), northern pike (Esox lucius), rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), and walleye (Sander vitreus). The analysis was performed on all prey shapes and, when sample sizes were sufficient, performed on fusiform and laterally compressed (lat. comp.) shaped prey as well.