Figure 5.
a-f. Flow cytometric data for the 3 day quinoline study are shown. Panel a = Change in body weight over the course of the treatment period; panel b = normalized liver weights; panel c = %MNHEP; panel d = %Ki-67-positive nuclei; panel e = hepatocyte proliferation index; panel f = %8n+ nuclei. For this study, low, mid, and high treatment groups correspond to 75, 100, and 125 mg/kg/day, respectively. For every graph, data for each individual rat is shown, and group means appear as horizontal green lines. Dunnett’s test results are shown to the far right of each graph, where statistically significant differences relative to the concurrent vehicle control group appear as italicized black text as opposed to red text, and by grey circles as opposed to red circles. Circles’ diameters represent 95% confidence intervals.