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. 2018 Mar 15;8:4615. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21441-7

Table 2.

Changes in leaf water relations and osmotic adjustment under drought stress and re-watering conditions during tillering and jointing growth stages of two wheat cultivars. The measurements were made at last day of drought stress and three days after re-watering.

Stress stages Tillering Jointing
Water levels SS MS WW SS MS WW
Parameters LH-7 YM-16 LH-7 YM-16 LH-7 YM-16 LH-7 YM-16 LH-7 YM-16 LH-7 YM-16
Ψw (−MPa) 1.84b 1.95a 1.32d 1.54c 0.43e 0.41e 2.05b 2.25a 1.57d 1.65c 0.56e 0.51e
Ψs (−MPa) 2.56a 2.37b 1.87c 1.75d 1.25e 1.26e 2.45a 2.33b 2.05c 1.96c 1.43d 1.41d
RWC (%) 81.80d 77.50e 89.50b 86.40c 94.50a 94.80a 77.50c 73.80d 85.30b 83.40b 93.40a 94.00a
Ψs100 (−MPa) 2.09a 1.88b 1.65c 1.57d 1.18e 1.19e 1.89a 1.74b 1.71b 1.63c 1.33a 1.32a
OA (MPa) 0.91a 0.75b 0.51c 0.40d 0.56a 0.47b 0.41c 0.30d
Ψw (−MPa) 0.81b 0.89a 0.53d 0.61c 0.43e 0.43e 1.10b 1.17a 0.74b 0.78b 0.57c 0.56c
Ψs (−MPa) 1.81a 1.76a 1.17b 1.10c 0.95d 0.95d 1.89a 1.83a 1.28b 1.21b 0.91c 0.90c
RWC (%) 91.10b 87.90c 93.50ab 93.00ab 94.50a 94.70a 86.50c 84.70c 92.30b 91.50b 93.10a 93.80a
Ψs100 (−MPa) 1.10ab 1.17a 1.03b 1.02b 0.93c 0.91c 1.63a 1.55b 1.18c 1.13c 0.84d 0.84d
OA (MPa) 0.65a 0.62a 0.19c 0.16c 0.73a 0.70a 0.33b 0.29b

Ψw: leaf water potential, Ψs: osmotic potential, Ψs100: turgor potential, RWC: relative water content. Severe (SS) and moderate (MS) drought stress were applied at tillering and jointing, respectively, and followed by re-watering. WW indicated well-watered treatment. The shaded area indicates the measurements taken following re-watering. The lower case letters following the data represent significant differences for the means of six replications (n = 6) under tillering and jointing stages, respectively, as measured by the Post hoc Test at P < 0.05 during each experiment season of 2014–2015 and 2015–2016.