Circulating CD34 + CD133 + CD45low cells and SDF-1α level. (A) Percent change in the number of CD34 + CD133 + CD45low cells at the day 7 from the baseline value was less in the ZES group and was still less in the EES group, compared with the BMS group. (B) Percent change in the SDF-1α level was less in the EES group, compared with the BMS group. The level in the ZES group did not show significant difference from that in BMS group as well as that in EES group. (C) In overall patients, the percent change in number of CD34 + CD133 + CD45low cells was positively correlated with that in SDF-1α level.
BMS indicates bare metal stent; ZES, zotarolimus-eluting stent; EES, everolimus-eluting stent; SDF, stromal cell-derived factor.