Figure 6.
Long time-lapse SMS imaging of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dynamics using Cer-HMSiR. a) Schematic illustration of the 2-step procedure employed to label the ER with Cer-HMSiR. b) Single frame from a 25 min movie with 2 s temporal resolution. s: sheet-like ER, f: fenestrated ER sheets, t: tubular ER. Diffraction limited inset shown in grey. Scale bar: 1 μm. c) Comparison of localizations observed between Cer-HMSiR and Sec61β-HMSiR d) Image of COP1 vesicles and the Golgi and ER in HeLa cells expressing the marker COPβ1-mEos3.2 (green) and treated with Cer-TCO and HMSiR-Tz at 37 °C (red). An enlarged view of the image within the yellow box is shown beneath. Figure adapted with permission from Takakura et al.40