Fig. 2.
Lipid peroxyl radicals influence podocyte migratory parameters. (A-B) “Wound” scratch assay shows impaired migration of podocytes exposed to lipid radicals generated at 2 µmol/min for 4 h. Representative pictures of duplicate experiments, number of cells migrating into the wound was counted after 72 h. (C) Track directions of untreated cells and podocytes exposed to lipid radicals (0.8 − 2 µmol/min) were followed in random individual cells (colored lines show representatives) for 72 h using an Image J manual cell tracking plug-in. (D-E) Total distance traveled and average velocity have been calculated from the tracks. Colored tracks show a more static phenotype in cells with 2 µmol/min R• treatment; with significantly less distance traveled, and lower velocity. Duplicate experiments, n = 12 viewing areas (4 per group), at least six cells tracked in each viewing area. *p < 0.05 vs. control (two-tailed Student's t-test).