, ,
Position in surge, sway, heave |
Pitch, yaw |
, ,
Linear velocity in surge, sway, heave |
Pitch velocity, yaw velocity |
Position and orientation vector of UUV |
Linear and angular velocity vector of UUV |
Gravity |
Buoyancy |
The coordinates of gravity center in body-fixed frame |
The coordinates of buoyancy center in body-fixed frame |
Thrusts |
Steering angles |
Weight of the UUV |
Total number of follower uuvs |
The ith follower’s position and orientation vector,
The ith follower’s velocity vector,
The ith follower’s state vector,
The leader’s position and orientation vector |
The leader’s velocity vector |
The leader’s state vector |
State vectors of all followers |
The ith follower’s state error vector |
The formation system’s state error vector |
Ocean current velocities in earth reference frame |
Ocean current velocities in body-fixed frame |
Bernoulli’s distribution function |
The quantity of the topological set |
The ith position topological unit in position topology set,
The ith velocity topological unit in velocity topology set,
Joint topology of position topology set |
Joint topology of velocity topology set |
The switching probability from topology to topology ,
Control gains for the position and velocity communication topologies |