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. 2018 Feb 23;18(2):662. doi: 10.3390/s18020662

Table A1.

List of main symbols.

Symbol Description
x, y, z Position in surge, sway, heave
θ, ψ Pitch, yaw
u, v, w Linear velocity in surge, sway, heave
q, r Pitch velocity, yaw velocity
x=[x,y,z,θ,ψ]T Position and orientation vector of UUV
v=[u,v,w,q,r]T Linear and angular velocity vector of UUV
W Gravity
B Buoyancy
rBW=[0,0,0] The coordinates of gravity center in body-fixed frame
rBB=[xBB,yBB,zBB] The coordinates of buoyancy center in body-fixed frame
Xprop,Yprop,Zprop Thrusts
δr,δs Steering angles
m Weight of the UUV
n Total number of follower uuvs
xi(t) The ith follower’s position and orientation vector, i=1,2,n
vi(t) The ith follower’s velocity vector, i=1,2,n
εi(t)=[xiT(t)viT(t)]T The ith follower’s state vector, i=1,2,n
xl(t) The leader’s position and orientation vector
vl(t) The leader’s velocity vector
εl(t)=[xlT(t)vlT(t)]T The leader’s state vector
ε(t)=[ε1T(t)ε2T(t)εnT(t)]T State vectors of all followers
ξi(t)=εi(t)εl(t) The ith follower’s state error vector
ξ(t)=[ξ1T(t),,ξnT(t)]T The formation system’s state error vector
UE=(ue,ve,we) Ocean current velocities in earth reference frame
UB=(ub,vb,wb) Ocean current velocities in body-fixed frame
ϑ(t) Bernoulli’s distribution function
N The quantity of the topological set
G¯pi(V¯pi,ε¯pi,A¯pi) The ith position topological unit in position topology set, i=1,2,N
G¯vi(V¯vi,ε¯vi,A¯vi) The ith velocity topological unit in velocity topology set, i=1,2,N
G¯puG¯p1G¯pN Joint topology of position topology set
G¯vuG¯v1G¯vN Joint topology of velocity topology set
γij The switching probability from topology i to topology j, i,j=1,2,N
Kp, Kv Control gains for the position and velocity communication topologies