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. 2018 Feb 12;18(2):561. doi: 10.3390/s18020561

Table 7.

Typical parameter identification methods.

Item Typical Method Advantages and Limitations Applications
Needle Deflection & Tissue Deformation Path Planning & Navigation Force Analysis Online Force Control
Data-based parameter identification System response method;
Frequency response method;
Correlation method;
Maximum likelihood method
Acquire data distribution characters; Reflect specific criteria; Data correlation analysis Require high integrity; Huge workload; Offline estimation ×
Static system Dynamic system
Time-invariant parameter identification Weighted least-squares estimation; Constrained least-squares estimation; Truncated least-squares estimation;
Total least-squares estimation;
Nonlinear least-squares estimation
Least-squares estimation; Ordinary least-squares estimation; Biased least-squares estimation; Generalized least-squares method; Pre-filtering method; Neural network;
Wavelet network
Characterize the entire system simply Not well reflect the real situation of the whole system × ×
Time-varying parameter identification Recursive least-squares estimation; Square root filtering; Reduced-rank square root (RRSQRT) filtering; Extended Kalman filtering for the estimation Recursive prediction-error estimation;
Fixed-interval optimal smoothing; Extended Kalman filtering; Neural network; Wavelet network; Radial basis function neural network;
Genetic algorithm; Evolutionary algorithm;
Fuzzy logic algorithm;
Times series analysis method
Online control; reflect the dynamic characteristics Improve the complexity of analysis and research

In the column of Applications, “√” means yes, “×” means no.