Figure 4. Only PfAP2-I-D3 is required for DNA-binding during the IDC.
A- The mutations introduced in the AP2 domains resulting in PfAP2-I-GFP-D1mut and PfAP2-I-GFP-D2mut parasites (see also figures S5A-D). B- ChIP-qPCR with PfAP2-I-D2mut parasites shows that PfAP2-I still binds to its target genes when D2 is mutated (blue bars). PfAP2-I-GFP parasites were used as control (black bars). Data are represented as mean ± SD and n=3. C- PBMs show that the DNA-binding of PfAP2-I AP2 domains D1, D2 and D3 are altered when the domains are mutated. Shown are both wt and mutant PBM results. Enrichment values below 0.45 represent low affinity DNA-binding (see Table S6 for position weight matrices for all AP2 domains).